Partnerships with like minded organizations provide us incubatory cushion, community connect and sharpness of intervention. We are grateful for their collaboration in our shared purpose.

Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives

Ganesh Neelam, Executive Director CInI shares


Vriddhi Rural Prosperity Services is one of our key partners in achieving our goal of Lakhpati Kisan in the tribal cluster in Keonjhar district, Orissa. Their service led model for smallholder farmers using digital platform is indeed one of the key steps towards bringing irreversibility. “I am Kisan” helps to attend critical gaps of both production and marketing aspects of commercial farming, especially for smallholders. In field, their service on market rate information and customised agronomic solutions is gaining traction, wherein farmers are negotiating better price for the produce. We strongly feel the approach of VRPS through the application is going to be a game changer for farmers to learn from each other and meet their aspirations

Gram Vikas

Liby Johnson, Executive Director

Gram Vikas shares of their partnership with Vriddhi.

“Gram Vikas began working with Vriddhi in 2018 with the intent of linking farmers in our operational villages with better market opportunities. The work expanded to include better agronomic practices that will help reduce the cost of farming and mitigate risks. The support provided by Vriddhi is appropriate to the specific local contexts and relevant to the needs of the farming community. We believe that this partnership will lead to substantial improvements in the economics of farm-based livelihoods and benefit a large number of farming households in some of the most remote parts of Odisha.

Vriddhi that brings in the technology and market-oriented elements, complementing Gram Vikas’ community-facing and community-oriented focus and, enabling the implementation of a well-rounded development approach.”

Arya Collateral Warehousing Services

Shenoy Mathew, General Manager, Arya, shares about Vriddhi

“We have used the services of Vruddhi as a force multiplier for the efforts by our field team. Complementing services from Vruddhi along with the other traditional training methods helped our team to facilitate the women farmers to aggregate and sell 2000 MT of produce and earn a profit of 22.5 Lakhs.

We have suggested services from Vriddhi to corporates which were finding challenges in making effective communication with the producer segment. This close engagement and participatory approach is very essential for many segments of Indian farming to be globally competitive and Vriddhi has an essential role to play here.”