Lakhpati Journey: Visualisation

  • by admin
  • 19 Mar 2020

Visualisation – the formation of a mental image of something – this is an important tool by which a concept or an idea can be effortlessly communicated. What goes into making of Lakhpati farmers – self reliant, prosperous farmers? Our client Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives, got in touch with us to visualise this journey. This was to be used as a tool for reiterating to farmers, their institutions and the implementing team that all these dimensions need to be addressed for irreversibility of outcomes. 

 This was designed for the Gen Y event – a convening for lakhpati farmers. It was to go as a centrefold of a diary that was to be developed for participating farmers. As we starting putting the ideas in, we realised this was getting more and more populated. Every component – market, inputs, pest and disease management kept expanding. With many rounds of discussion, we homed in on the following pencil sketch, 

And a first version was made,

A pre testing with some of these farmers showed that there was still further visual refinement to be done.. Association with the greytop road was that of a river rather than that of a road, Sequence of events was not entirely clear, text needed to be sharpened, the images didnot always convey what was intended. With this we then refined the design further. 

Since then this graphic has been put to multiple uses since. It appeared as centre fold in a book on package of practices made for farmers besides being used in training. Team that worked on this was: Swapnil Gaikwad, Vartika Jaini, Santanu Datta with inputs from Roopali Sood