Vriddhi wins Asia Ag Tech Challenge

  • 18 Jan 2022
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Vriddhi was selected as “Champion” in the category of Rural advisory services at the Asia Agri Tech Challenge organised by the Value Chain Capacity Building Network. 

This call challenges private sector companies, Academia and development organisations and projects to come up with concrete and practical examples on how ICT solutions can support the development of resilient post-COVID19 agricultural value chains/market systems that are more resilient, fair and inclusive. The challenge is an initiative of the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N).

Our work was evaluated on 

• Level of innovation / uniqueness;

• Level to which it fosters resilience and sustainability;

• Level to which it improves chain governance, transparency / fairness and inclusiveness (pro-poor impact);

• Feasibility of proposed business model and level to which it does bridge “the last mile”;

• Potential for scaling up.

The process of participation was great. We were encouraged by our colleagues at the IIT Kharagpur for the application process.  


The process of making the film – a 5 minute summary and a one minute pitch – was one of learning. We got to hear closely to what our different stakeholders were saying. What in our services made sense for them. The importance of a market oriented advisory that builds confidence and connection came across clearly. It reinvigorated us to expand our reach. To build compelling stories and amplify voices and experiences of farmers.  

Our friends and partners rallied around, making a lovely film possible.  

Pramodbhai gives his byte
Pramodbhai gets ready for the shot
Pradip shares his insights at Bedaduma